The way you are

When a change takes place in life, it’s a whole lot of different experiences that kick in. I recognise change as the most powerful as well as a meaningful instrument in the universe. The power of it can either destroy or save the world.

Well, it had been said that change is something that comes from within. So, let’s talk about the world within us. Naturally, it changes the way you are for better or worse. Sometimes, the change you feel good about may not necessarily be good for you.

A change in your behaviour will affect your loved ones and when it becomes regular, it transforms into a habit. This could influence and bring changes in the behaviour of the people around you and it will form a chain in no time. If you look at the larger picture, one person adopting a negative change in life can affect dozens of other people associated.

A negative change is very much like covid-19, happens to one, affects dozens.

On the other hand, an unusual change takes away your authenticity. The thing that makes you you. I understand the point that circumstances force you to change your behaviour but it can equally change the behaviour of the people you love and nothing will ever be the same again. You will always lose some people at different times in life but you must never lose yourself in the process. Trust me on this, you will miss the old you at the end. Stop pushing your people and realise the worth of their character to save your relationships. Your sentiments are your superpower in a world full of insensitive species.

You are the best just the way you are!😉
